Over the past summer the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office, Triton School District, and City of Dodge Center have received an increasing number of complaints involving golf carts. These complaints vary from careless or reckless operation, to unlicensed drivers operating a golf cart on city streets.
With the new school year upon us I see this as a great opportunity to lay out some key points in the Dodge Center City Code Section 10.10 relating to Golf Carts.
This is not a complete review of the city code pertaining to golf carts, its simply a few important things to remember. To view the entire City Code relating to golf carts visit the Dodge Center City website at ci.dodgecenter.mn.us. The ordinances can be found under the Government tab at the top of the page.
Per Dodge Center City Code ALL golf cart owners wishing to operate their golf carts on city streets or right-of-ways must possess a valid driver’s license and will need to apply for a city permit. This process is very short and can be done at Dodge Center City Hall. The cost for a golf cart permit is $10 and is good until December 31st. The permit needs to be renewed each year.
While completing your permit application you will be required to provide a valid certificate of insurance and list ALL additional golf cart operators under the permit. ALL person’s operating a golf cart on city streets and right-of-ways in Dodge Center MUST possess a VALID driver’s license. In some cases, a letter from your physician may be an option.
A couple equipment requirements I’d like everyone to remember are that a slow-moving vehicle sign MUST be displayed on your cart and a city permit MUST be clearly displayed on the driver’s side of the golf cart.
In addition to equipment requirements there are also operational requirements set forth by the city. One important requirement to note is that golf carts may not be operated on public sidewalks and should be operated as close to the right curb or right side of the roadway as possible. The only exception is when making a left turn.
Violations of equipment or operational requirements may result in a fine and/or the loss of your city permit.
The information shared in this column is meant to bring awareness to the required permit process along with some key points regarding the equipment and operation of golf carts in the city. I encourage anyone interested in operating a golf cart in the city of Dodge Center to take some time to view the city code in its entirety. There is also a handy Golf Cart City Code brochure available at Dodge Center City Hall that you may find helpful.
Thank you for taking the time to review this information and for helping us keep our city streets safe.
Deputy Dave Skadson
Dodge County Sheriff’s Office