Thank you for taking the time to review this week's newsletter. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mr. Luke Lutterman, THS Principal (507) 418-7520
Thank you for taking the time to review this week's newsletter. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mr. Luke Lutterman, THS Principal (507) 418-7520
We have many upcoming events at Triton High School. The most up-to-date calendar information can be accessed via the links below.
We wanted you to know that we will have a crossing guard present at Hwy 34 before and after school (pending weather) for the remaining portion of the school year. The crossing guard will be present from 7:35 AM - 8:00 AM, and 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM.
Thank you!
We will have an eLearning Day for all students on Tuesday, May 7. The following expectations are in place for this day.
1. Students should submit their attendance online via Infinite Campus. This is especially important for students planning to participate in extracurriculars that evening.
2. School work and assignments should be completed via the LMS Schoology.
3. Teachers will be available for online meetings should questions arise.
Prom night was a success! Our students did a wonderful job throughout the evening and once again the Somerby staff only had fantastic things to say about our Triton students! A very special thank you goes out to Kristy Faber, the Prom Committee, and the wonderful chaperones for making this experience possible.
The final high school concert date has changed! The May 14th concert has been rescheduled to May 21st due to conflicts with BPA Nationals and the Supermileage contest.
The school calendar in May is chock full of great events and scheduling has proven difficult this time around. We want to have a chance to feature our seniors on their last concert of high school, and a number of seniors had a school conflict regarding either BPA Nationals or Supermileage with the previous date.
We know there is an away baseball game on the new date, so unfortunately that creates a different set of students who would be unable to attend the concert unless the game is canceled due to weather.
Thank you everyone for your understanding and flexibility. Please contact the Activities Office with any questions or concerns!
Corey Black, Christine Deetz, and Andrew Wotherspoon
Administrative Professionals Day is a time to recognize and celebrate the administrative assistants who keep our school offices running smoothly and efficiently. We are blessed to work with two of the best in the business here at Triton High School. Annalee and Michelle continue to demonstrate excellent organization and communication skills. Their attention to detail is also second to none. A very special thank you goes out to Michelle Petersohn and Annalee Thomas for their continued hard work, support, and leadership.
Pictured L to R: Michelle Petersohn, Annalee Thomas, Marisa Starkson, Whitney Hesse, Kris Lilledahl, Tina Kozisek, Tammy Fate.
Triton High School is excited to announce its selection to receive a $9,600 Impact Grant from The Minnesota Service Cooperative CTE Team and The Future Forward Impact Grant Review Committee. This Grant will help fund the costs of offering an EMT Certification Program at Triton High School. Triton is also partnering with Dodge Center Ambulance to make this valuable learning opportunity available to our students.
We are grateful for this additional funding and look forward to increasing our course offerings in the Medical Career Pathway. The registration process for this course is already taking place for next school year.
Students turning 15 can take Driver's Education with Mr. Johnson at Triton.
Week one: June 4th - June 7th
Week two: June 10th -June 15th
The three Behind the Wheel lessons would be held at the Rochester location. This class is available to 14-year-old’s turning 15 in the near future.
If you have questions ask Mr. Johnson via email at or visit the website for more detailed information and to register at
The Ready, Set, Learn of Dodge County Program is now accepting applications for free school supplies and a backpack for children attending pre-school through 12th grade. Any child in need living or going to school in Dodge County is eligible to participate. You are automatically approved when you complete the application!
Please access the Application Here.
Triton Parents,
As we prepare for the MCA, ACCESS, and ACT Tests it is important to note that high school students can use qualifying scores for placement in concurrent courses, PSEO, and certain college courses without having to take an additional placement test.
It is always appreciated when appointments are scheduled around MCA and ACT Testing Dates.
High School
• April 30-May 1: Science (10th Grade)
Test Tips for Parent-Student Discussions
Student readiness tools (SRTs) can be reviewed ahead of time. Previewing these tools will help students become more comfortable with the test format and design.
More information on the MCAs can be accessed on the Minnesota Department of Education Website.
if you want in depth resources on test content, you can access the webpage below.
We should also note that parents have a right to additional information and to opt their children out of testing. Additional information and testing opt out form are ACCESSIBLE HERE.
Triton has purchased and been using Gaggle Online Therapy for students in need. Please take a moment and check out this resource pictured below. Please contact the school office with questions.
We have been working hard to make sure that parents and families have the information they need to help guide their child through their years at Triton High School.
We want all students to develop self-advocacy skills and learn to manage things appropriately, but parent/guardian guidance and support are crucial to the overall success of students and our school.
Please use the guide pictured to the left on ways to stay involved and engaged in your child's educational experiences.
For More Information about resources offered through Ms. Maas, please access the link below or reach out.
(507) 418-75200
Student safety and well being will continue to be our number one priority. Information can be reported safely and privately.
Administrative Assistant, Michelle Petersohn
Administrative Assistant, Annalee Thomas
Activities Director, Corey Black
Counselor, Christi Runnells
Principal, Luke Lutterman
(507) 418-7520