Thank you for taking the time to review this week's newsletter. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mr. Luke Lutterman, THS Principal (507) 418-7520
Thank you for taking the time to review this week's newsletter. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mr. Luke Lutterman, THS Principal (507) 418-7520
We have many upcoming events at Triton High School. The most up-to-date calendar information can be accessed via the links below.
Triton Shines at Region 8 FFA Awards
2nd Place Meats Team
Jacob Kasper
Noah Kasper
John Moenning
Jason Wolf
3rd Place Crops Team
Andrew Holtet
Wade Holtet
Brady Staub
Caleb Chilson
Triton Members Who Attended
Region 8 Awards
Cadence Spearman
Region Star - AFNR Research
John Moenning
Region 8 Star Farmer
3rd Place Nursery Landscape
Savannah Peterson
Gabby Geers
Tristan Nelson
Triton High School Theater Presents Once Upon a Mattress
Once Upon a Mattress – This Weekend at THS!
The Once Upon a Mattress cast, crew, and directors are getting ready for performances on April 4, 5, and 6 at 7:00 p.m. And there will once again be a free senior citizen matinee at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3rd. Triton’s musical is once again under the direction of Anne (Schreiber) Wotherspoon, with music direction and accompaniment by Andrew Wotherspoon, tech direction by Christine Deetz, and choreography by Jaime Geers.
The musical is new to the Triton stage, although the story – and show – are not. The story is based on the fairy tale The Princess and the Pea, although every fairy tale stereotype is flipped. While you may be familiar with fairy tales, for this musical, you should expect the unexpected. Senior Jessica Willette, who plays Lady Larken, explains, “This musical has the effect of a Disney fairytale, to appeal to children, but a twist that makes it interesting to adults.” You won’t want to miss this fun show!
Prom Tickets
Will be on sale starting Tuesday, April 2, during lunch. Tickets will be sold April 2-12. $60 for Triton Juniors and Seniors. $75 for underclassmen and Non-Triton Students.
Non-Triton Guests
Prom guest forms will also be available on Tuesday. These are due back to Mr. Lutterman by Friday, April 12, and require a signature from the guest's school Principal. Non-Triton guests need to be under 21 years old and be in good standing at their current school.
Prom Schedule
• 3:00 PM: Students report to PAC, Doors Open for Spectators.
• 3:30 PM: Grand March
• 5:30 PM: Sign-in starts at Somerby.
*Must be in attendance at 6:00 PM.
• 6:00 PM: Dinner
• 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM: Dance
• 10:00 PM: Load Buses at THS for Post Prom
Post Prom
Please reference the blue post prom flyer pictured below. Questions about post prom should be directed to Kris Lilledahl at
Tuesday, April 9, is a very busy day at Triton High School. Each year all high schools in the state of Minnesota are responsible for offering a college entrance examination. At Triton High School we will be offering the ACT or ASVAB. Because this testing experience requires extensive personnel we need to adjust how this school day will look.
We wanted to communicate in advance so families have time to plan and coordinate schedules. Please take a minute and read through the information below for your child’s respective grade.
Ninth Graders - College Visits We are excited to provide an opportunity for our students to see two different colleges. On this day all ninth graders will tour and receive an admissions presentation at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and Western Technical College.
Students will also experience eating in a college cafeteria (no cost to students). The bus will leave at 8:05 AM and will return by 3 PM. Students should not bring Chromebooks or any other valuables. Students should wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather as they will be outside for part of their tours. Seven Triton staff will be attending the trip as chaperones.
Tenth Graders - Pre-ACT Tenth graders will report to school as scheduled to take the Pre-ACT. This test is part of their state requirement for college and career readiness. Triton High School is paying for this test. Students are scheduled to finish the test around 11 AM.
Students are excused from school when they finish their tests unless they have missing coursework. Students who are currently failing one or more classes should plan to stay and get caught up. Students going home after the testing will need to line up their transportation. If students do not have a ride home, we have plans and space for them to stay in school. If students are going to stay in school, they should plan to eat lunch in the cafeteria and be in a teacher’s classroom for the afternoon. Students will not be permitted to leave school and come back.
Eleventh Graders - ACT Eleventh graders will report to school to take the ACT or ASVAB. Testing should be finished by 12:30 PM (students testing with accommodations will likely finish closer to 1:30 pm). Students failing classes or missing assignments should plan to stay in school. Students who are caught up are excused from school after testing. Eleventh graders will also need to arrange transportation. If students are going to stay in school, they should plan to eat lunch in the cafeteria and be in a teacher’s classroom for the afternoon. Students will not be permitted to leave school and come back.
Twelfth Graders - CPR Certification The twelfth graders will be getting their CPR certification as part of their senior seminar course. This will take place in the multipurpose room. Seniors should enter and leave through the activities entrance. Seniors have received information on which session they should be attending. Students who are currently failing one or more classes should plan to stay and get caught up. Students who are caught up are excused after their CPR certification.
All students are expected to attend their designated activity to count for their day’s attendance. Students will have limited and supervised access to their lockers on this day and should, therefore, minimize what they bring to school with them.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mr. Lutterman - THS Principal,, (507)418-7520 Ms. Runnells - THS Counselor,, (507)418-7520
Triton Parents,
As we prepare for the MCA, ACCESS, and ACT Tests it is important to note that high school students can use qualifying scores for placement in concurrent courses, PSEO, and certain college courses without having to take an additional placement test.
It is always appreciated when appointments are scheduled around MCA and ACT Testing Dates.
High School
• April 9: ACT (11th Grade) | ASVAB (11th Grade) | Pre-ACT (10th Grade)
• April 24-25: Math (11th Grade)
• April 30-May 1: Science (10th Grade)
Test Tips for Parent-Student Discussions
Student readiness tools (SRTs) can be reviewed ahead of time. Previewing these tools will help students become more comfortable with the test format and design.
More information on the MCAs can be accessed on the Minnesota Department of Education Website.
if you want in depth resources on test content, you can access the webpage below.
We should also note that parents have a right to additional information and to opt their children out of testing. Additional information and testing opt out form are ACCESSIBLE HERE.
We have been working hard to make sure that parents and families have the information they need to help guide their child through their years at Triton High School.
We want all students to develop self-advocacy skills and learn to manage things appropriately, but parent/guardian guidance and support are crucial to the overall success of students and our school.
Please use the guide pictured to the left on ways to stay involved and engaged in your child's educational experiences.
For More Information about resources offered through Ms. Maas, please access the link below or reach out.
(507) 418-75200
Student safety and well being will continue to be our number one priority. Information can be reported safely and privately.
Administrative Assistant, Michelle Petersohn
Administrative Assistant, Annalee Thomas
Activities Director, Corey Black
Counselor, Christi Runnells
Principal, Luke Lutterman
(507) 418-7520